1. Empty spaces are meant for plants
Once you begin introducing plants to your home, you may never see empty space (or space in general) the same again. That awkward corner? Plants. High shelf? Hanging plants! You may even find yourself moving your things around for your foliage. When you’ve been a plant parent for long enough- you learn that, unlike your furniture, your plants are dependent upon their environment and placement. That means when it’s time to rearrange the living room, plants take priority. For those seeking a comfortable and elegant space- a good rule of thumb is to think green. Contrary to some expensive decor, your plants can reduce stress and eliminate toxins from your home!
2. You may accumulate attachment issues
You may have heard of dog parents or cat ladies, well it’s time to meet the new generation- plant parents. Plant parenting is much more than accumulating a certain amount in your home. It means worrying about your plant’s wellbeing and eagerly awaiting your plant’s new leaf to sprout in the spring. Owning indoor plants allows us the ability to see them change right before
our very eyes. Everyone enjoys a walk in nature, but what’s special about having them in our homes is the experience we endure as we observe them mature and alter shape. Seeing the changes and time our plants have survived can even cause some of us plant parents to hold onto them well past their lifespan (you know who you are).
3. Sooner or later, there will be bugs
This is typically what I *forget* to mention to friends whose interests are growing for your plants. Given that we are bringing nature indoors, we have to face the truth of what that entails. During the springtime, it is inevitable that (hungry) tiny critters can and will find their way to your greens. They can find their way through vents, windows, or even from the nursery you
bought them from. However, this doesn’t mean that they will be roaming around your house. They are strictly concerned with your plants. This means that you are going to have to find a way to get rid of these bugs to prevent them from munching on your precious foliage. With a little neem oil and wiping down, your plant will be good as new. Looking beneath the leaves specifically for any signs of them returning after you’ve sprayed is a must. This may be an uglier aspect of the plant life- but once you know how to control the situation, your confidence with your plants will grow immensely (allowing you to buy more)!
4. You won’t see any home the same again
After becoming a plant parent, you may start to see interior design differently. You’ll notice that despite how beautiful or elegant home is- there is just something..missing? You guessed it- plants. Without a hint of green, space may feel a bit less inviting to you now. In the end, plants add an element of liveliness to a space that can’t be replicated by anything else. If you find yourself in a natureless home, take this as an opportunity to gift a friend their first plant and watch their journey begin!
5. Lighting has a whole new meaning
The next time you move, there will be an entirely new and crucial feature to consider for your home. LIGHTING! Depending on the plants you buy, lighting has almost everything to do with how well they will survive. If you’ve ever struggled with a fiddle leaf fig, it is likely because it has
longed for a wide-open window to soak up the sunlight. Depending on how dedicated you become, windows (or lack thereof) can become a deciding factor when choosing a new place.
6. Your plants are happier in the spring and summer
In the same way, we feel the shift from season to season, our plants sense the change and have their own responses. Unfortunately, this can mean losing a leaf or two during the winter. However, for experienced plant owners, we know this is just a part of growing and
maintaining plants. We may lose some of our favorite leaves- but if you hold on a few months (and remember to repot and/or fertilize) more are on the way. Over time, you begin to see more similarities between people and plants in their need for spring cleaning to make way for new growth.
7. Pruning is a part of the process
Have you ever been to a friend’s home and thought to yourself- why don’t my plants look like that? To a beginner, trimming back some leaves may seem counterintuitive- but it makes all the difference in producing a lush plant. When your foliage becomes a bit unbalanced, this is a sign that growth has diminished and can be encouraged by a little trim. Removing dead leaves, leggy stems or any part of the plant that may have bugs is crucial in achieving a healthy plant.
8. Learning a little tough love
Yes, it is possible to be a helicopter mom (or dad) with your plants. When it comes to watering, there is a fine line between maintaining moisture and rotting their roots. The longer you are a plant parent, you learn that it is easier to kill a plant with too much water than it is to forget about a plant for a day or two. Established plant owners know that most plants prefer to slightly dry out between watering.
9. You’re going to need a sitter
We all deserve a little vacation every summer. However, when it’s mid-August and 95 degrees – you simply can’t leave your plants high and dry. House plants may not be pets, but they need water just like the rest of us while we’re away. A long-time plant parent will have to find one trustworthy friend to ensure their plants are still alive after their return.
10. It can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want it to be
Sometimes owning plants means investing in tools or gadgets when their needs are not being met. Luckily, for every tool, there is an innovative and inexpensive way to create a better environment for your plants. If you are seeking more humidity for your ferns, you can find
dozens of humidifiers online to meet your needs. You can also place your plant in your bathroom and among other plants to increase moisture. When you want to be sure your plants are receiving adequate water, there are soil meters that people like to use to test their plants.
However, the longer you’ve been a plant parent, you learn that sticking your hands in the soil (or beneath) will do the same trick!